Malaysia to Go 5G • Go Cloud • Go AI - Grow with intelligence
30 Nov 2020, 12:00 am
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Going digital in today's economy is at the forefront of societal change as communities emerge from a debilitating pandemic and face economic restoration challenges in the new normal. These unique and unprecedented times have unleashed structural transformation without parallel in living memory. Many will have no choice but to adapt to a new paradigm shift.

New emerging advanced technologies and applications such as 5G, cloud, artificial intelligence (AI) and big data have accelerated the growth of new businesses in Malaysia. Over time, the rise of small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurship will no longer be limited to traditional large corporation setups in today's era.The government has just announced the development of a national digital infrastructure plan known as Jalinan Digital Negara (Jendela) as part of its efforts to improve digital communications in the country under the 12th Malaysia Plan (2021 to 2025). Jendela will lay the foundation for comprehensive and high-quality broadband coverage facilities and prepare the country for the transition to 5G connectivity.

According to Global Data's survey on Malaysia's ICT development prospects, the compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) will be 8.9% between 2019 and 2023, from RM16.5 billion in 2018 to RM25.2 billion in 2023. Mobility, cloud computing, data analysis, storage and business process outsourcing will be the five leading IT solution domains. Cloud computing is projected to have the second-highest annual growth rate of 19.1%. Recently, Huawei set up its cloud and AI business department in Asia-Pacific, including Malaysia, and launched its motto ,"Grow with Intelligence". During the launch of Huawei Cloudin Malaysia, it offered #Cloud4Everyone, a trial of 1,500 hours of smart solutions that allowed companies to automate, innovate and digitalise to transform their businesses.
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Growing with intelligence and winning together

With the rising trend of Centres of Excellence (COEs) in Asia, Malaysia has played an essential role as Huawei Asia-Pacific's regional hub since 2012, offering strategic operations within Southeast Asia, a robust industrial ecosystem, and a talented and multilingual workforce. Huawei's core values are customer-centricity and commitment as it strives to create the most value for its customers and partners. Huawei Malaysia is committed to building the new Intelligent Malaysia with the five areas in ICT of talent development, economic policy optimisation, grant subsidies programmes, technology enablement, and industry partners' ecosystems.

Huawei Malaysia's key milestones this year include signing major contracts, establishing local industry ecosystem partners across industries to "Go Cloud, Go AI, Go 5G" and in enabling Malaysians to embark on a digital transformation journey with its vast end-to-end solutions . It is making the most of its partners' strengths, spearheading Malaysia to be heart of Digital ASEAN and in enabling Industry Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0) to form a community with shared interests that work, grow and transform together.

ICT talent development

The Ministry of Communications and Multimedia (KKMM) and Huawei Malaysia have had a collaborative relationship in ICT since 2001 in working towards digital economic growth. Huawei has collaborated with the Sarawak government to boost ICT talent by introducing the Sarawak Digital Youth Talent Development Programme and in transforming CENTEXS into a digital academy in Sarawak. This year, another significant milestone was Huawei's launch of the first Asean Academy in Malaysia, with an investment of RM3 million which will nurture 50,000 Malaysian talents over the next five years across various businesses and technology sectors. The academy will provide more than 3,000 ICT courses involving 100 skilled trainers to nurture national digital talents working with local universities such as Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TARC), University of Malaya (UM) and Multimedia University (MMU). 

In recognition of Huawei's contribution to Malaysia's ICT talent development, the Ministry of Education presented Huawei Malaysia with the "Best Strategic Partner for Talent Development Award" and the "ICT Industry and Talent Development in Malaysia Award". 

Cultivating digitalisation in Malaysia's SME landscape

Huawei Malaysia has been actively supporting SME Corporation Malaysia and MIDA in digital transformation by providing subject matter expertise, digital solutions and technical support for local businesses. Huawei Cloud and AI, coupled with 5G technology, will enable SME growth in the digital sphere and realise Digital Malaysia and IR4.0.

SME Corp Malaysia-SME AI programme matching grant

Other than providing a matching grant and Huawei ICT solutions for SMEs to use in their business under the SME AI programme, the collaboration with SME Corp Malaysia will also promote local digital innovation by adopting cloud and AI technology to help SMEs create  innovative products. 

MIDA-Industry4WRD Intervention Fund

To encourage more local SMEs in the manufacturing and related services sectors to embrace IR4.0, the government has introduced a new incentive, known as the Industry4WRD Intervention Fund. This initiative is in tandem with the National Policy on Industry 4.0, which introduced the Industry4WRD Readiness Assessment (RA). The RA is a comprehensive programme to help SMEs assess their capabilities and readiness to adopt IR4.0 technologies and processes. Upon completing the RA programme, companies will be given recommendations to prepare feasible strategies and plans to implement IR4.0 in their operations.

Hexa Food - manufacturer of herbs and spices 

In the Hexa Food venture, to keep pace with digital market trends and remain competitive, Huawei ICT digital solutions helped the Hexa Internet of Things (IoT) team innovate faster by applying ModelArts AI machine learning into its preparation. It took 10 days from development to prototype, with 50% faster screening capability and an accuracy of 96% of machine sorting. AI was particularly effective in eliminating waste resulting from human error when preparing materials or from inappropriate conditions during the production process, eventually driving cost efficiency and resource management for better business profit.

TM ONE - a Telekom Malaysia Berhad company

TM ONE, the enterprise and public sector business solutions arm of Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), is determined to help businesses rapidly adapt and continue operations in these challenging times. With its Cloud α (pronounced as Cloud Alpha) services, TM ONE is set to be Malaysia's first end-to-end cloud infrastructure service provider covering standard Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS), as well as cutting-edge professional services, industry solutions, enterprise application services, big data and IoT solutions. Through this partnership , Huawei is offering its vast experience and Huawei Cloud's advanced digital solutions by enabling an additional array of cloud computing services to support TM ONE in its role as the enabler of Malaysia's digital economy.

Sunway Group - master community developer in Malaysia

The tripartite collaboration between Celcom, Sunway and Huawei Malaysia will see a development of smart solutions encompassing IoT and AI in the areas of public safety and security, healthcare, education, hospitality, leisure and retail experience. It will also accelerate the adoption of IR4.0 solutions for smart township, further establishing Sunway City Kuala Lumpur as a smart sustainable model city in the 21st century where communities can live, work, play and learn in a safe, healthy and connected environment. Some of its planned initiatives include enhancing the township's safety and security features with facial recognition, tele-consultation healthcare services and e-learning features.

Serba Dinamik - partners in digitalisation

Huawei Malaysia and Serba Dinamik have teamed up to explore and develop innovative digital solutions and to jointly develop  a digital industry and smart campuses in Malaysia. The digital industry will include a digital platform for education, a smart living ecosystem and automation for manufacturing through the adoption of Huawei Cloud and AI. It will establish go-to-market programmes in relation to  enterprise digital transformation, smart campus planning and AI training programmes. The parties will also jointly explore, design and execute cloud-based connectivity device solutions for commercial deployment. This partnership aims to bring about digital transformation of the oil and gas industry, innovative IT solutions on cloud, as well as to "reach the unreached" by digitally enabling those in rural areas, as well as  to look into the setting up of smart industry areas in Sarawak and Johor.

SDEC(Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation) - partners in digitalisation

Kuching, 7 October 2020 - The International Digital Economy Conference Sarawak (IDECS) 2020 with the theme of Data and Innovation in Accelerating Social and Economic Prosperity today saw the signing and exchange of various Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation Berhad (SDEC) and its Strategic Partners; HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD, MYNIC BERHAD, XPERANTI SOLUTIONS (M) SDN BHD, MERDEKA WATERFRONT HOTEL SDN BHD and ARX MEDIA SDN BHD.

In line with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) outlined by the Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC), SDEC through its collaboration with Huawei Cloud Malaysia, initiated a Virtual MoU and MoA signing with various parties from West Malaysia. The Virtual MoA/MoU signing is one of the first in Sarawak which utilises Huawei Cloud Conference Solution, a remote signing platform and digital conference apps.

SDEC was represented by Chairman, Tan Sri Datuk Amar Haji Mohamad Morshidi Bin Abdul Ghani and Chief Executive Officer, Sudarnoto Osman and witnessed by the Right Honourable Chief Minister of Sarawak, Datuk Patinggi Abang Abdul Rahman Johari bin Al-Marhum Tun Abang Haji Openg, while the signatories of each companies were gathered at the Huawei Experience Centre in Kuala Lumpur, meanwhile SDEC signed from the Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK).

Environmental protection with technology

Besides building an industry ecosystem, Huawei Technologies Malaysia is also in the process of working together with  Rainforest Xchange to use AI machine learning and voice recognition technology capabilities to protect the Sarawak rainforest. By Partnering Sarawak Multimedia Authority(SMA), Sarawak Forest Department(FD) and Sarawak Forest Corperation(SFC),  Rainforest Guardian will be installed in multiple Forest reservation park and Forest national park location  to detect illegal rainforest logging and animal poaching, global environmental issues can be addressed to create a greener future in which humanity and nature live in harmony. 

Huawei Technologies Malaysia will continue to invest in cloud and AI applications to support the national agenda for a New Intelligent Malaysia and to grow the ecosystem with its partners, enabling them to reap the most benefits from the new value chain.

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