KUALA LUMPUR (May 17): Hong Leong IB Research (HLIB) has maintained its “Buy” rating on AirAsia Bhd with a higher target price of RM2.60 (from RM2.14) after imputing higher earnings.
In a note today, the research house said AirAsia’s 1Q16 to record strong earnings.
It said recent developments included:
The research house said that overall, it expects 1Q16 to report core earnings of RM250 million-RM300 million (excluding contribution from IAA, PAA and AAI) versus HLIB’s RM1 billion and consensus versus HLIB’s RM1 billion and consensus RM813 million for FY16.
“Uphold Buy recommendation with higher target price of RM2.60 (from RM2.14), after imputing higher earnings,” it said.