KUALA LUMPUR (May 12): The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) said the government will be mandating that all public projects worth RM50 million and above to adopt the Malaysian Carbon Reduction and Environmental Sustainability Tool (MyCREST), in a bid to reduce carbon emissions in the construction industry.
MyCREST, a sustainability rating tool introduced by the Ministry of Works through the Public Works Department (JKR) and CIDB, aims to quantify and lower the carbon footprint of construction projects, by guiding the design, construction and operation of buildings in a low-carbon and sustainable manner.
"In line with the government's commitment to reduce greenhouse emissions by 40% by 2020, the Construction Industry Transformation Programme (CITP) has set a target for the construction industry to achieve a reduction of 4 mega tonnes (MT) of CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions per year by 2020.
"For this target to be achieved, all large buildings and infrastructure projects must exceed minimum sustainability requirements," said deputy minister of works Datuk Rosnah Shirlin.
She said the ministry had initially mandated the use of MyCREST for all public projects worth RM100 million and above, but this has been revised to a lower limit of RM50 million, in line with the government's green growth targets.
"We have decided to increase the number of projects to include those valued at RM50 million and above because the government is determined to achieve and exceed our sustainability environmental targets under the CITP and the 11th Malaysia Plan," said Rosnah.
Prior to MyCREST's launching, over 20 development projects participated in its pilot assessment phase, with six projects successfully receiving their certification.
These projects comprise SP Setia Bhd's corporate headquarters; the Real Estate and Housing Developers Association (REHDA)'s Wisma REHDA; Encomas Sdn Bhd's Encomas House; E&O Bhd's Straits Quay Office Suites, Block 6; Remajaya Sdn Bhd's Bay 21; and GTower Sdn Bhd's G Tower.
The ministry aims to enforce sustainability requirements in the procurement of standard large development projects and public buildings by JKR, by end-2017.
CIDB chairman Tan Sri Dr Ahmad Tajuddin Ali said MyCREST takes into account 11 criteria, ranging from the pre-design phase, up to the stage of sustainable facility management, with points awarded based on carbon emission reduction efforts.
"Our goal is to assess 100% of new development projects valued over RM100 million with a green rating tool by the year 2020 — and collaboration is certainly the way forward if we are serious about transforming the construction industry," he said.
MyCREST was launched today at the one-day seminar entitled "11th Malaysia Plan (11MP) — Realising Green Growth: Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure as the Game Changer".